Goodbye EKM

As you well know, I have not posted regularly here for quite some time. Other things, even ministry things, have pulled me in different directions.

With the move to the Chattanooga area, my wife and I were led by God, actually thrown by God, into so much challenge and growth.

God challenged us on some beliefs we held dear, admittedly not from Scripture or His Spirit but from tradition and denomination.

It’s funny because I always thought of myself as NOT being tied to tradition but God showed me in many ways I was. To be perfectly honest I am still finding the traditions of men and denomination lurking in the back of my mind. God is helping me purge it.

I shared with some friends how that the difference between West Tennessee and East Tennessee (spiritually) is daylight and dark. True pockets of revival are taking place in East Tennessee. True moves of God in power and demonstration are taking place in East Tennessee. True presence. True change. True deliverance.

I am happy to report this is taking place in other places, as well. For example, we know of a POWERFUL move of God taking place in Florida right now.

God has led us back to West Tennessee and we are forced to ask ourselves, ‘Why not here?’

It certainly could happen here. Every real move of God, every true revival, every genuine awakening began with PRAYER.

Maybe… just maybe… God is calling us to commit to do just that. Regularly. Consistently. With conviction. With longing. With desire. Praying with the spirit, and praying with the understanding also (1Co 14:15).

This will be my last post on EKM.

God has shifted my being ‘The Preacher‘ to my wife and I being a ministry team.

I appreciate you following EKM and my sporadic posts over the years but the time has come to focus. Focus on prayer. Focus on worship. Focus on encouraging others.

If you’d like to follow Missy and me, you can do it a few different ways.

You can follow us at the Acts Continued Blog.

On Instagram actscontinued

On Twitter @Acts_Continued

Lord bless you and yours and let me say one last time, I can’t wait to see what God has for you… just around the corner.

In Christ, Bro. Kyle.

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